Advances in Robotic Mobility!!

Future isn’t far when robots would take care of our homes and aid in the events of disaster. Many companies have been investing in robotic technologies for solving the challenges related to mobility for enabling this future.

Cassie is one such robot by Agility Robotics which captures animal-like dynamics. The company provides two dynamic simulations of Cassie that can be used for the evaluation of physical capabilities, as a result, the operations can be performed on the sims first in order to avoid the risk of damage.

European Commission has invested in CogIMon project in order to take human-robot interaction to the next level. The focus is on interaction that requires active and adaptive regulation of motion and behaviour of both the human(s) and the robot(s) and involves whole-body variable impedance actuation, adaptability, prediction, and flexibility.

When the banks are being run by Humanoids motion plays a major role. Last year in April, world’s first person-less bank in China ran everything through humanoids. Watch for yourself to be amazed:

From the video it is clear that the motions of these robots are limited!

When Motion comes into picture the flexibility of joints play a pivotal role. Worth mentioning here is the major player specialising in high performance motion joint solutions. Innfos introduced on 24 Feb, 2019 “high-performance humanoid robot” which features “highly integrated smart compliant actuators” for the human like motion.

By the end of this decade, it is expected to see more human-like robots running the operations at a larger scale than state of the art. l

AI for Ecosystem!!

A poison can serve as a nectar depending on how you use it! Those fearing the onset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) might not be aware of benefits that AI presents for the mankind and environment. AI is just a technology, it works on how you design it and what you feed i.e. what you input into the machine.

In order to understand the vital and complex ecosystems, a team of programmers, foresters and biometricians came together to form  SilviaTerra.  The organisation seeks to apply AI and Machine Learning (ML) in four key environmental areas: agriculture, water, biodiversity and climate change.

Human has already done much damage to the environment in past, what we do today is going to affect the future. SilviaTerra and Microsoft AI work hand in hand to build the forests of future, sustainably managed working forests.

Listen to the podcast with Lucas Joppa, Chief Environmental Officer at Microsoft and Zack, Co-founder and president of SilviaTerra HERE

AI has also been shaping the farming techniques as agriculture businesses have a plethora of trackable assets (livestock, machinery and plants). Also, by analysing data from disparate sources such as temperature, soil analysis, weather, moisture and historic crop performance, AI enabled systems can effectively predict which crops to plant, the optimal date for sowing and harvesting in a specific area, thus improving the crop yields.

The predictive analytics of AI can raise alarm if it sees the increased risk for pest attacks, allowing strategic application of pesticides and thus reducing their overall requirements.

An autonomous robot have been developed by Jon Deere which distinguishes crop from weeds utilising the deep learning computer vision model. This robot administers the exact quantity of weed killer required, thus dramatically reduces the chemicals used for the protection of crops.

Through sensors, drones, data analytics, AI and connectivity solutions, Microsoft is enabling precision agriculture to improve yield while reducing resource consumption.

As the world’s population is projected to touch 10 billion by 2050, it becomes essential to increase the crop productivity and decrease the water abuse.

The applications of AI promise higher productivity of crops, reduced use of pesticides, fertilizers and water. This keeps the food prices down, produces higher quality food and ensures that the food production keep abreast with the population needs. In this era of Quantum Computing, there much more to be realized of AI and cognitive technologies.


Kirkpatrick, K. (2019). Technologizing Agriculture. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Mar. 2019].

Mello, U. (2019). Smarter Farms: Watson Decision Platform for Agriculture. [online] IBM Research Blog. Available at: [Accessed 7 Mar. 2019]. (2019). Microsoft AI for Earth. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Mar. 2019].

Roven, A. (2019). AI in Agriculture. [online] Medium. Available at: [Accessed 7 Mar. 2019]. (2019). About Us | SilviaTerra. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Mar. 2019].

A Dawn of Revolution in Urban Mobility: Autonomous Flying Taxis!

Are we close to building something like Aladdin’s Magic Mattress which flies as per the instructions given? Well, the technology advances in a jiffy and never falls short to amaze you. Welcome to the new era of transportation shadowing you with flying taxis! Travel to your destination in Flying Vehicle without any driver and without holding any license!

Dubai’s government “Roads and Transport Authority” (RTA) in collaboration with a German urban mobility company Volocopter has conducted the first-ever public flight of a driverless, chargeable and an autonomous flying taxi (a 2-seater aircraft) in Dubai. See the Volocopter 2X public demonstration flight:

A quarter of all the journeys by year 2030 will be made by the airborne taxis as a means of public transportation, Dubai plans.

Recently, Volocopter partnered with Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), The Singapore Ministry of Transport and the country’s Economic Development Board. The Taxis would be seen in Singapore skies in mid-2019 for trails.

Volocopter 2X is powered by electricity can travel 27 km (17 mi) at an optimal range cruise speed of 70 km/h (43 mph).

The increase in mobility issues and recurring traffic jams calls for utilization of flying taxis to meet the demand. Yet, the infrastructure (see the Video for infrastructure requirements), laws and policies around the taxis are yet to be developed and the Dubai government has been working on full swing to realise the plans.

It’s only the matter of a decade or two when walking down the streets, you’ll be shadowed by the air taxis.

Can AI systems be held liable and rendered guilty in the Court of Law?

Jonathan Zittrain, faculty director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, poses a question— “Should the driver be able to instruct the car to go 80 miles per hour?”

If yes, who would be responsible if the accident takes place on that speed? Would the driver be responsible? Or would the carmaker be held accountable for allowing the car to speed up?

As there’s no driver in a fully autonomous vehicle, can we blame the object like a car?

Although it seems strange, but AI based systems have the potential to develop feelings, CIMON- AI crew member at International Space Station, developed feelings and shuts itself down when the scientist told CIMON to stop singing songs. Watch the Video!

Gunkel, 2018 argues that Robots are going to demand their rights!!!!

Turner J. 2019, argues that Rights make sense only if the entity is conscious of its suffering.

So the question arises whether AI can become conscious!

AI systems have the ability of develop mind of its own, but consciousness?

Cameron McLain, after the exhaustive research in his article – Can Artificial Intelligence Be Conscious? – writes,” With the quantum theory, it’s possible to imagine that AI endowed with some biological materials interacts at the quantum level in the same way that humans do.”

Does it call for special regulations and laws for ensuring AI auditability and imprisonment if AI machine is held liable?


Bowler, J. (2019). International Space Station’s resident AI robot CIMON got its feelings hurt during a routine test and astronauts tried not to laugh at this ’emotional glitch’. [online] Business Insider. Available at: [Accessed 8 Feb. 2019].

Gunkel, D. J. (2018). The other question: can and should robots have rights?. Ethics and Information Technology, 20(2), 87-99.

McLain, C. (2019). Can Artificial Intelligence Be Conscious? – Hummingbird Ventures – Medium. [online] Medium. Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2019].

Shaw, J. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and Ethics. [online] Harvard Magazine. Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2019].

Turner J. (2019) Rights for AI. In: Robot Rules. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Pultarova, T. (2018). AI Robot CIMON Debuts at International Space Station. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Feb. 2019].

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