Advances in Robotic Mobility!!

Future isn’t far when robots would take care of our homes and aid in the events of disaster. Many companies have been investing in robotic technologies for solving the challenges related to mobility for enabling this future.

Cassie is one such robot by Agility Robotics which captures animal-like dynamics. The company provides two dynamic simulations of Cassie that can be used for the evaluation of physical capabilities, as a result, the operations can be performed on the sims first in order to avoid the risk of damage.

European Commission has invested in CogIMon project in order to take human-robot interaction to the next level. The focus is on interaction that requires active and adaptive regulation of motion and behaviour of both the human(s) and the robot(s) and involves whole-body variable impedance actuation, adaptability, prediction, and flexibility.

When the banks are being run by Humanoids motion plays a major role. Last year in April, world’s first person-less bank in China ran everything through humanoids. Watch for yourself to be amazed:

From the video it is clear that the motions of these robots are limited!

When Motion comes into picture the flexibility of joints play a pivotal role. Worth mentioning here is the major player specialising in high performance motion joint solutions. Innfos introduced on 24 Feb, 2019 “high-performance humanoid robot” which features “highly integrated smart compliant actuators” for the human like motion.

By the end of this decade, it is expected to see more human-like robots running the operations at a larger scale than state of the art. l

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